​Pause. Take some time to ground yourself.
You’re not hosting an event. You’re creating a space for players to come as they are and share vulnerably, without expectations, obligations, or judgement.
No two conversations are alike, just as no two players are alike. Allow a natural rhythm for conversation to emerge. Be present to others, and patient with yourself.
No formula for a perfect conversation exists. Unlike a lecture or presentation, the point of a conversation is not to conduct it perfectly but to build relationships. Don’t perform. Participate!
Don’t rush through the questions. Players may need time to recollect or respond. Allow room for pauses and silence to punctuate your conversation.
Play Smol Tok with your family and friends, colleagues, and even strangers. The optimal setting for using any digideck is in small groups of 4-6 players, aged 18 and above, over 60-90 minutes.
Aim of Playing
Grow in self-awareness
Build relationships through meaningful conversations
Before the game begins, consider:
Who’s playing
What the context is
What you hope to achieve through play
Considering the above will help you to curate appropriate cards for the conversation.
Smol Tok is designed to be self facilitated. You can set the tone by:
Browsing through the questions in the digideck(s) of your choice.
Selecting 4-5 questions that might resonate with other players, and taking screenshots of them.
Cards come in different levels. These are indicative of the level of vulnerability required in answering them. We recommend starting questions at Level 1 and progressing to Levels 2 and 3.
Levels 1 < 2 < 3
Amount of time to allocate

Card Category​
Card Number (1 - 60)
Share the tips below with players and help them set their audio and video settings to what’s recommended for online conversations.
Read aloud and explain the Ground Rules for playing.
Browse and select a card to play. Take a screenshot of the card or share screen.
Read the question aloud. Invite 2-3 players to take turns sharing their responses.
Anyone may ask follow-up questions at any time.
Set your viewing option of participants on Gallery Mode.
This is ideal so that you are able to view everyone present in the conversation.
Unmute yourself throughout the conversation.
This is ideal as hearing participants’ organic reactions to responses would help everyone stay present in the conversation.
Enable your video as much as possible, if your data/bandwidth allows for it.
This helps in building trust and connection. However, practice compassion and discretion for sensitive topics where players may not feel comfortable speaking in front of a camera.